this game is seriously under rated and underappreciated by most game magazines and gamespot.

User Rating: 10 | The Godfather II PS3
the godfather 2 is very under rated by most reviewers. this game may not have been the best of sandbox games however it does include some new elements into the sandbox gameplay like the new introduced strategy called dons view while other sandbox games e.g gta get higher scores from magazines and gamespot for using the exact same old gameplay they have been using since the beggining. the godfather 2 try's to break away and add new features to the game it has a strong online play even though it could have done with some unlockables put into it to make it more exciting. the main story has a strong storyline and gameplay is quite good however it is missing the fun elements like finding things and unlocking other things however the old gameplay ability of owning shops is still as fun as ever. in conclusion the godfather 2 is a fairly solid and fun game and is serilously under rated if you are a fun of sandbox games or the godfather games i recommend buying this game.