this game isnt as bad as people say it is.. its actually pretty good.
User Rating: 8.6 | The Godfather: Mob Wars PSP
First off I have to talk about the graphics.. During the cut scenes I thought that i was looking at something from a current gen console. It does change when going into game play but it still isn't that bad. Next is the sound. It does get you into the whole Godfather/ old New York mobster kind of feel. The voice overs in this game are also very good. Lots of Godfather music in it. We also have to talk about the big issue that people seem to have a problem with, the card play. I found that when playing the Mob Wars portion of the game it sort of gets you into trying to get the best rackets and taking over areas. You have to recruit mobsters and decide where you would like to place them. You then get to move your mobsters to neighborhoods that you would like to take over or raise the defense of places you already control. Now the story mode. The story mode aspect of this game is pretty decent. It goes close with the Godfather movies. When you complete missions they give you a movie clip and most of them go right with the mission that you just did. And just because there is no driving doesn't make for a bad game. The controls are pretty good for a psp game also. I didn't find myself dying constantly because i didn't now the controls like I did in some games. I found that this is one of the best psp games in my collection. I hope that you found this review helpful.