Until someone creates a better mob/mafia game, "and that day may never come". This game is a masterpiece and a

User Rating: 8.7 | The Godfather X360
The Godfather is an excelent GTA style game and deserves higher then a 7.9

Gameplay: Controls- When I got this game the first thing that made me smile where the controls. In the Godfather it is not simply press X to attack but to swing the Right stick. Hold it back longer and your attack becomes a power attack. Hold down the left trigger and right trigger and you hold on to your enemy. Hold on and take a couple swings at them and they will be down in no time. To strangle you hold down the left stick and the right stick instead of just pressing Y. The controls are half of the fun in this game.

Story- It's the Godfather for crying out loud, of course the story is good. Although at times it seems a bit fragmented it overall gives a good representation of the movie.

Other- Character customazation is fun, with different hair cuts and suits your character has a lot of possibilities.

So I give gameplay a 9/10

Graphics: Nothing to impressive here. Looks like a solid 360 game. Their are nice touches though such as when you hit another car scrapes of metal go flying and when you hit a lamp (in a car) you see the bulb go out and explode. When you shoot people blood comes out, it's what you would expect.

Graphics 8/10

Sound: The sounds are very good in the godfather, the voice acting is wonderful, although their is no radio or anything in the cars their usally isn't music playing. This is nice though as you hear the noises of the city. What gives the sound the extra bump is the superb voice acting.

Sound 9/10

Value: If you held out on the Godfather when it came out, you should get it know (like I did). For half the price this game give you the bang for your buck

Value 10/10

Reviewer's tilt: This game got ok reviews, Reviewer's tilt 8/10

The Godfather is an extradonary game and know for 30's dollars you would be dishonoring the family if you didn't get it.