ABSOLUTELY AMAZING! Definitely lives up to the hype and delivers strong.
Gameplay: I don't know why but besides having a very similar control map, I feel that The Godfather added in some extra things that GTA could really use to enhance it's own experience. I feel that the climbing through the ranks and taking down each front and racket one at a time until you make a big kill is a nice way to move along while going through the story. The storyline... is superb. Putting in almost every word of dialogue and following true to the source. Excluding Michael... who looks very different and sounds very different... but it's all good.
Graphics: The graphics are awesome for PS2... Definitely a great achievement, especially in facial expressions and all the mouth movements. It seems they put their all into making it look as realistic as possible. The characters all look perfect... again, excluding Michael.... and the cars, environment, and additional effects are awesome. I myself like the sparks from smashing cars and knocking down poles, and the papers just blowing around the streets. It alladds up to greatness.
Sound: I love the music... To me the theme is never really over-used. It pretty much suitsthe mood no matter what may be going on. The transitions are very nice too, having the music kind of blend together rather than having one abuptly end. The sound effects probably could've used a little more work in some places but by no means effect gameplay much since you're focused on the beaautiful eye candy.
Controls: I think the controls took a little bit of getting used to... With the new Black Hand and all... It's an amazing idea and works really well. It all feels like you have full control over every jab, uppercut, headbutt, and knee to the face... and also the flashy executions. The shooting is also very fun and easy after a little bit of practice, whether you use the free aim or the 'quick' aim method.