Sick Game, Worth Playing For Sure.

User Rating: 9.1 | The Godfather PS2
I Rented, tried playing it all i could to get my hours worth, still couldnt beat it completely. The game never got boring , was good the whole way through. Now go get this game you filthy animals !! Has a feel to like GTA vice city or san andreas... places to buy, take over, hits to complete, guns to upgrade, places to blow up. And its got Don Corleone. what more do you need mang ? .............................adoiuasdh asdohuahd aoidhoauwh adjoshd ajaj ajaja jajaj ajaja akaui auadn anadu anawu anaiw aniauw anoiauw anouawn aouw nawu nawuf na o nwaou n waou noauw n wudha nowau