Very akward controls and bad graphics make this a big dissapointment. Should have stayed a console game.
For starters there's the akward PC keyboard controls. Although the fighting engine is a simple and effective one, I often found myself trying to hold down too many keys in the heat of battle which only led to frustration and me dying. Instead of the simple GTA style control layout which is very easy to master, The Godfather insists on making things difficult to master. In the end you try to rebind keys, but you'll find that not all of them work and it actually gives you very limited options on configuring your own contol layout.
Then there's the whole mouse view issue. Unlike GTA the mouse view swings the other way, and even inverting it does not fix it, in fact it makes it even more difficult. This makes running around almost impossible as you have to always remember that turing your mouse right actually means the camera will swing left. It's very frustrating. I found the game just too frustrating to play, and although the missions do get effectivly harder, the gameplay is quite standard. But it's the bad control layout that makes the game so difficult to play.
You can add a console pad the the PC version, which I never tried and probably would make it a lot easier?
Then there's the graphics. The sky constantly looks like a drab grey color and the buildings are basically all the same models, just re-hashed. The entire gameworld looks sterile and too computer generated for my liking. However I must comment that the character models faces is were all the effort went when making this game. They look very good. As well as the animation.
I was very dissapointed as I'm a big fan of this film and the trailer looked great, but I cannot recommend this game. The wonderful GTA series still holds the crown for this type of gameplay.