Good Game Worth Playing

User Rating: 9.1 | The Godfather PS2
This game is a great game based on a great movie franchise. The game does seem like a GTA knock-off, but it is still a good game. You don't play as a member of the Corleone family, but create your own character to work for the Corleones. You will be able to do missions related to the movies and others, including side missions and other things. You can bribe cops, start mob wars, extort business owners to collect cash, and explore the world of the Godfather. This game is pretty good on the control part, but sometimes when locking on to an enemy, you will lock on to a random person instead of the person shooting at you. The game looks and sounds good, but sometimes character animations look lind of strange when alot of people are running. This game is still a very good game that I reccomend you try.