Read this! 'Pretty good game...'

User Rating: 7 | The Godfather PC
Okey so The Godfather has many fine details in the game and a little bit of not that great....

Okey so story-line,the game starts in 1936 with a cutscene that shows a death scene on the father of the main character who, for the sake of reference, is called "Aldo" here, according to the default set name (which you can change when putting a name in the start of the game) When you follow the story (game) you will meet some very interesting characters that is from the movie called ''The Godfather'' which you just have too see for your self.

Game-Play.Gameplay consists of undertaking and completing eighteen story missions while in the meantime performing various tasks such as taking over rival family holdings and carrying out contract hits. The missions are linear and follow the storyline of the first film. So this is the bad part that when you play the game you will feel that the Game's story-line will be short, so that can be annoying in some cases but ofcourse you do get to do many different side missions which is a very long process, so that was the game's good part and also making it ''not suck''.

As for graphics, well the godfathers graphics are great very detail...One problem though is that the car's in the game doesn't have normal windows, all it does have is black windows nothing special at all. And in a game you want to see your character through the class, then its more realistic so the glass really screws up the game-play and in the game you will be driving car's alot so that really makes the car game-play little bit like annoying. So that's why im giving it a 7.0 It still got very good stuff in the game so it really isn't all messed up, but as for my self i like a good driving game-play and the godfather messed things up.

They should also had more car modules in the game it only have ''3''

But another wise the game's actions is great! good shooting and good fighting which makes you want to play the game, so it wont bore you. So that's why im waiting for the godfather 2 to come out. Hope it will fix and make the god father game better.

Thanks for reading my Review
