just like the movie..

User Rating: 8.5 | The Godfather PS2
i bought this game about a week ago and i think its very good just like the movie with the old fashion streets,cars,clubs and gangs and so on,easy game to get use to. The one thing i hate is getting killed its annoying most of the time and when you die u go back to the nearest doc or hospital and it could be far sometimes,theres upgardes and points to raise your speed,shooting,health,street smart and one other i forgot any and you can upgrade them and all. Some times its a bit hard to take over clubs because theres loads of gangs all over the street there not always clubs they could be resturaunts or bucthers or barbers and things like that, u have loads of guns such as the shotgun,tommy gun,magnum,snub gun and a pistol of some kind and a bomb and a fire bottle which is awesome u steel banks and get loads of money from them and then ur wanted level goes all the way up and loads of cops come after you so you better off steeling a bank thats near house whe you into your house thats when you get your money. In your theres a save point sometimes there ammo to reload there. Theres a game called the mafia and its like the godfater but better a bit but the godfater still still deadly,but overall its a deadly game to play.