You Get A Naughty Feeling, A Good Naughty Feeling.
The Gameplay in this game is very simple to get into, it helps you every step of the way to get you to be a great kicking ass mafia man. The controls are very simple and to do punches and knees its just a matter of moving the right analog stick in a certain direction. This is also easy to send a fury of punches into the enemies face. Aiming in the game is very simple also. You have the manual aim holding down the L2 button and L1 to lock onto the guy but even though you are locked on you can still manually adjust your aim to give you a better shot, like a shot to the head which is an instent kill. It all works very well.
This game borrows elements from grand theft auto. Stealing cars, Mindless killing. Picking up new weapons from your enemies to use. All that fun stuff. I do wish there was a more variety with the cars you will see a lot of the same cars over and over again which can take away a lot of the excitment. On the other hand though you have a lot of different customizable stuff for your main character, facial features, build, cloths. Its all cool and makes it fun to make your starting character.
Sound of the game is very well done in the voice acting part. Original voices for your characters which really helps it get a Godfather feel. Guns and such i feel are lacking and the musical score is repetative. But gameplay will make up for those short commings because dosent all the fun lye into gameplay?. Sure it Does!
Graphics are decent, no load times is a real good feature so its all smooth gameplay through, except for some missions where a black screen pops up just to give you a bit of background information. Frame rate and chug and chug it does in some spots of the game. Even though the frame rate can dip it dosnt keep the game from unplayable so it isnt really that much of a big deal to must. But some will get annoyed.
All in all my final words are this is a very good game and it was very well put together. It is true to the movie in so many ways. Where most games fail that were once movies and crossed over to the video game world, this one dosent. This is the rose among thorns.