I think that this game should be given a little more credit, because it's great!!
Graphics: Tsk, Tsk. I have to say that it's not bad but I should have expected better for a high-definition ps3 game. But still, it's pretty good graphics.
For graphics alone I'd give it a 6.5!
Gameplay: Not bad. I like it actually have to say that I'm impressed. You can do so much in this. AND! You can own up to 5 mansions and have an army of 5 at the most following you. I really like that. Towards the end though it gets pretty boring... I have to say that it kinda depressed me towards the end because I can't do anything more but drive around...
Overall: 8.5 Because of the Graphics, and the fact that towards the end the gameplay isn't that great. But throughout it, it is some of the best gameplay I have ever seen!