Following the footsteps of Corleone family and its band of thugs, the game stays true and great to the movies...
STORY: Father beaten by the mob while you were young you decide to join the Corleone family after a member contacts you, once you’re older. You will buy out the cops and local FBI agents and you will be sure to remember to get them on your side once your into the game always; because they are a good to have on your side but even worse when their not. The cops and FBI are very powerful and will crash and burn you to the ground if you don't respect their authority and are an enemy you DON"T want to be against you.
ENTERTAINMENT: I personally found the Godfather and the Mobster type of free-roaming better then the GTA formula (or new-age gansta type game style). The way the Mobsters talk and do business was so awesome I thought compared to the "mufo yo gonna die now" new age carp, you hear out of gangsta games. Even though they were ruthless they certainly had more respect for one another, rather then the idiots that gun down and talk ebonics in games now.
PROS: Amazing story that follows the movies very smoothly, Giant city that will occupy allot of your time while trying to take over another families territory by any means necessary, no loading times.
CONS: somewhat lower grade graphics then most 360 games, needs more side missions and fewer worries with the cops.
OVERALL: Imagine yourself the Don of New York and add a bunch of thugs that stand in your way. Now do you want to be a sympathetic Don or a ruthless one? The Godfather pulls off just enough leaps of greatness in its length to make it a worthwhile adventure one worth a rent or even a buy if you’re into the genre and movies.