Its an offer you can't refuse
The graphics are very good. The character models look fantastic. Vito Corleone looks like Marlon Brando, Sonny looks like Jimmy Caan, and Tom looks like Robert Duvall. The only letdown of the models, is the character of Michael. Origainally portrayed by Al Pacino, he refused to use his face, and instead went with the Scarface game. Bad choice.
The sound is astounding. You have Robert Duvall, James Caan, a little bit of Marlon Brando, and Abe Vigoda all reprising their roles from the1972 film. The cars sound pretty good, as do the guns, and the main character, youself, is voiced pretty well also.
The gamplay allows you to extort, murder, rob, take over businesses, steal, hijack, and many other things. The gameplay is definetly some of the best. It is very fun, and it never gets old.
The Godfather: The Game, is a great game that should not be missed.