It's just too simple and bland to be enjoyable, don't bother with it.
It is about nothing more than controlling an old lady visiting a graveyard and there is always a 50/50 chance whether she will live and leave, or die. The game has been described as an interactive painting and in a way, that is correct; There is only one camera angle in the game and it cannot be shifted. If you walk your old lady to the side then the screen zooms out instead of turning around. Somehow, it makes the sluggish walk more irritating especially since that's all you do. If I was to describe any further about the game, I'd be lying about it's content.
The visuals are in black-and-white and they do look beautiful but they are practically useless and don't make this "game" any more enjoyable to play. At first the experience may seem interesting, but eventually you'll just be so bored with taking 3 seconds to move a metre (no exaggeration) and doing nothing really, that if this came in a case then I would smash it and chuck it in the fire.
This game has a few good ideas to be unique, but it does not work even as art and it just feels too dull. You would see far better and more creative works from ordinary people who use the 'Blender' 3D animation program (even so that there still some things people made on it that are actually GREAT). The game's art and creativity is almost non-existent and the ability to do nothing more than walk as slowly as a slug hardly feels like a work of art.
Partly the reason for my aggressive criticism towards the game would be it's price. Even for US$5 it is a rip-off. In my opinion it is worth no more than 1, and even that raises some questions. The trial version is barely different and you could even get that for free. Trust me, this game is really not worth playing and lacks a lot of content and interest. You'd be better off trying the more recent Indie game 'The Path' which is by the same developer, and is so much better.