So after playing Mickeys first adventure and actually having quite a bit of fun with it, I decided to move on to his next adventure and see what Mickey was up to next I mean what could go wrong? it's a Capcom, game you know one of the best developers of the sixteen bit era, this should be a great game right?... right?... Well I have to admit as much as I love Capcom this is definitly not one of their best outings, so let me explain why shall I?
Story:Oh boy, were starting off bad, first off if you recall in the first magical quest, the whole plot was finding Pluto(wow sounds like a Mario game huh?) but hey at least the game was clear with the plot that was set, in this game I honestly didn't even remember what the plot was I had to go back and look it up because to be honest I don't even remember the whole point of going through this game. Well it turns out that the circus is in town and Mickey and Minnie and friends are looking to go have fun their but it turns out that Goofy tells them that Donald and Pluto went missing inside the circus. First off a bit of a similar plot huh!? And secondly you find donald within the first level in the game so that means you are just looking for Pluto in the rest of the game again, so it might as well be the same plot as the first game. If the story dosen't want to be taken seriously fine, but then you better focus soley on the gameplay and it better be really good, but unfortunatley they did not do so, which I will explain about later. The story is just a huge disappointment.
Presentation: As usual Capcom nails it's presentation the aesthetics of the graphics is that usual Capcom style and as always its a nice look for the eyes, the charm and fetching artstyle just look so great and any true Super Nintendo fan will love to look at this game. The soundtrack again as if I need to say anything when it comes to Capcoms soundtracks, their always easy on the ears and are a joy to hear, their isn't to much music, that sticks out in the game, and their really isn't that much songs. But for the one that are their they are still pretty good and there are still a lot of good tracks that add to the presentation as a whole making everything fit together perfectly, the presentation as usual for Capcom is done outstanding.
Gameplay:What a disappointment! Its a platformer just like the first one and it controls pretty decently, sure the controls can feel a bit floaty at times, but other then that they are usually on point, its the same mechanics as the last game you can use costumes to take care of enemys in this game, but unfortunatley most of the costumes aren't nearly as good as the first game. First off we have the vaccum cleaner this is what you would think it is a vaccum cleaner power up that sucks up enemies, is this really special or even worth using? Next is the safari suit, this is the same suit as the mountain climbing gear, literally nothing new! Well thats a waste! Next we have the last suit and the worst of them all the western suit, basically Mickey rides on a horse, or a horses head on a stick, and shoots a pop gun at his enemy, their our two huge flaws to this costume, first off the jumping mechanic to this costume is freaking horrible! You see when you use this costume, you are forced to jump up and down on it the big problem with this is that once you want to jump to a high platform, the jumping mechanic dosen't want to cooperate with you because you are already jumping, making the jumping completely wanky, and almost impossible to use. The second big flaw is the shooting first, off the tratectory off shooting just normally is off because its already shooting at an upward angle, and not only that but it dosent help that you are bouncing and shooting making this game while using this costume a lot harder then it should be! This is definitly a huge flaw in this game, this suit is completely broken, As usual capcom makes some of the most creative boss battles, unfortunatley for this one though they are way to easy, their really isn't one boss that I had any trouble with at all, so while some of them may be creative, they are to easy to truly appreciate their uniqueness. The game is also short, most Capcom games at this time usually were, but since there is no depth to this game, its really noticable, and since its such an easy game you can basically beat this whole game in one sitting which is definitly disappointing to say the least. The gameplay is very shallow and nothing to write home about.
(Spoiler Alert) The final boss like the last game is Petey, and guess what your not going to have any problems against him, he's a pushover, this guys a pretty creative boss battle, but once you figure out how to beat him he's a cinch, and then you get the ending you find Pluto and a magical orb that mickey uses as a ball for Pluto the end.... yay.. what a disappointment!
Overall it's a shame that they got lazy on this game, the first one was really fun and somewhat challenging, and not only that but the boss battles and the gameplay were much better in this one, it seems like they just got lazy and just made this game, just to make a sequel. If you are looking for a good game in this series stick with the first one and you won't be disappointed.