Pure evil. (A horror story)

User Rating: 1 | The Great Waldo Search NES
“I was such a fool. I through basic math was the worst game ever.

I was such a fool!!

He had sat there in front of my fire for untold hours with a grief stricken look in his drawn and palid face.

“My stomach is churning and keeps seizing up. My brain is almost too numb to speak. For I just experienced the most shocking, terrible, ghastly thing ever.” he said.

The man had staggered into my house after battening at my door and insatnly puked blood and what looked liek a spleen over the threshold while more dripped from his ears. “I can’t believe I played that rom.” he sobbed “Opening up my emulator and playing this rom was like going down on charismas morning and opening the largest present and finding the maggot filled worm infested corpse of my puppy lurking within the confines of that darkened, slimy, wet-with-brain- matter box”.
Truly a great evil lurked within that poor zip file. And when it had finished downloading I swore I head a set of hard drive sectors weeping openly.”

“What?” I said in shock “What appalling calamity has befallen” you?

He looked at me with eyes like that of a deer’s, caught in car headlights. I saw blood swirling beneath his cornea “I played Great Waldo Search.” he choked out before vomiting up blood” The room suddenly grew colder. The fire put itself out plunging the room into darkness. Pictures in the walls suddenly shattered in an exploding cloud of glass and wood. I gasped for breath; the air had become thick and hot but also foul and bitter. My fishbowl began to boil furiously. A terrible feeling of pure dread settled on my shoulders.

With all the strength I could muster and pushing down the panic and vomit I whispered “Go on”.

“Oh Why!! I had wailed into the dark stormy night, my voice tight with panic and a suicidal urge”. “If there really is a god why weren’t THQ struck down for creating this facade of entrainment, this abomination of plastic and chips and pcbs. Why was this vessel of pure hatred pestilence and terror allowed out of the insane twisted and blood starved mind of the developer.” he spluttered.

He began dancing insanely his head flopping limply from side to side his eyes saucers of pure insanity. Thinking quickly I filled a huge syringe with lidocane, and thrust it into the base of his skull. Instantly he flopped to the floor.

“Now” I said in a voice that a mother might use to comfort her child “tell me more”

“The graphics….(he let out a low horrified cry of guttural pain. Calmly he popped some ibuprofen and puledl my difibulator closer) are indescribable” he continued, “The violating mash of hideous colors and shapes hit me like a butchers hook in the eye.” I can’t find words to describe how terrible they are they simply stripped away a part of my being. I can’t say anymore” The haggard man says clutching his head as blood oozes out of his ear, “It just hurts deep inside”.

I calmly wipe his parched brow and help him to a bed. After giving him some hot broth I ventured:” I know this is hard, but we most know the rest”.

He closed his eyes and shuddered before emptying another lungful of blood into a nearby bowl.” I’ll tell you” he said” Even at the cost of my life” I envied his iron will.

“But the graphics are nothing compared to the sound. Oh lord I muttered as a red swirling mist descended upon my vision. Why do you abandon me” I looked on as he spoke “The music is a terrible maelstrom of jangling, cyanide laced, merciless, sinful, vileness” he croaked.

”It has no form it is just a demonic collection of discordant deathly noises. Calling it music is like calling a miscarriage a healthy baby. It bores into your skull like a metal earwig he said weakly gesturing towards his bloody ear.

A frontal lobotomy may make your forget your own name but it will never let you forget GWS music. Believe me I’ve tried he said, moving his hair aside to reveal a huge purple and red, bugling scar.

Fighting the urge to panic I sat rigid with disgust. Red shapes danced before my eyes. As if in a daze I muttered “go on” He stared at me his frenzied, hunted eyes glowing dully in the cold darkness of the fireless room “And now we are at the plague ridden blood soaked bastion of unquenchable evil: The Gameplay.” He rattled in a voice like ripping skin

I grabbed the bowl of tainted blood sitting near his bed and vomited uncontrollably, before replacing the bowl back on the shelf. It was now filled with a yellowish red mixture with bone and skin lumps.

Like a man in a dream I said” go on”

He forced himself to speak “the gameplay is a red haze of terror but also mercifully short.” He looked at me, eyes rimmed with tears reflecting his burning eyes. “ITS SHORT!” he screamed as if in ecstasy. Panting he intoned “You move a cursor around to try to find the puppet of Satan that is waldo and you click on him then you find the scroll and click on it” I looked dumbfounded “These stick out like a sore thumb and you can finish the games five stages in about 2 minutes!”

“That’s it” I said “ They expect you to spend $60 or so dollars on a much shorter thing than you can get free at any library or in a book bough for a few dollars.?”

“Its all there is both in the game and inside of me” he said visibly sinking form the strain. His sunken, bloodshot eyes started to roll back. “Realizing time was short I rushed to the window screaming for help, dried spew and blood caking my face. A passing car stopped and a huge man got out. He came rushing in and the driver took one look and knew what had happened. He coughed violently and jammed a tissue over his mouth before saying “He played an evil NES game didn’t he” I nodded dumbly ready to faint. In a haze I helped the driver carry the stricken lifeless man out to the car. The last thing I saw was that car rushing of in the direction if the hospital. Then in the driving rain I collapsed

And all was black.