This game makes me cry.

User Rating: 3 | The Grim Adventures of Billy & Mandy WII
I did not voluntarily purchase this game and I have not played it in mulitplayer mode so I can't judge it on multiplayer quality. As a one player game this game is worthless. The whole time I was playing I had no idea what was going on or if the controls were even working. You spawn and die and spawn and die and die and die ... then cry.

I ended up ditching the Wii remote and using the Gamecube controller thinking that might help - it did not. I hate this game. This was obviously a Gamecube title that they added a few Wii remote type controls to in order to have it work on the Wii.

I sum it up thusly:
The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy : Super Smash Brothers :: Sonic Shuffle : Mario Party