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User Rating: 7.7 | The Guild 2 PC
I have been waiting for this game for a couple years now. I was hooked ( addicted like it was crack) to the predecessor Europa 1400. I finally got it last week and have been playing it (US/NA 1.1) for a while. I have been monitoring the Guild 2 forum boards and I expected a complete buggy mess. But I have to say I was pleasantly surprised. I did encounter some of the regular bugs and slowdowns but I have not had a single CTD so far. The game has retained most of it's original allure. Business, Family, Political, Crime. But the interface has had a complete overhaul. In Europa 1400 your character could use actions in specific buildings. Like, if you went to town hall to apply for an office you needed to click on the specific item in the room in the building to apply. Now it's changed a little so that you go to the building to apply and then on the interface an action pops up for you to perform. This does help the player maximize their time but takes away from the feeling of depth. In Europa 1400 it felt like you were living in the middle ages. Now with the interface it feels like you're playing a game that's set in the Middle ages. I still do enjoy playing the Guild 2 though. I and alot of other people are waiting for ASPYR to release the US 1.2 patch. Everyone else on the planet has it except us. If you look at the forums theres a way to hack the german 1.2 so it can be used on the US version but I don't suggest it. It could lead to even more bugs that you just won't ever get an answer to. Best to wait for stingy AS(S)PYR. Overall, it's a great game series and something new that hasn't really been touched. But it would have had a bigger impact on the PC gaming market if 4head (the main developers) were given a few more months to polish it. There are talks of an expansion Q1 2007. Unless you're a die-hard Europa 1400 fan or you're just tired of everything else out there and have a passion for medieval times then I suggest you wait until the expansion comes out to buy it. It should be alot more stable and have some cooler features.