Challenging game that GS got wrong. Great game from a small developer.
Yeah. Regardless the game I can see can be an acquired taste. First of all the game is challenging. However not to the point that the GS review implies (and on top of that the Devs have said they will most likely add a more novice friendly choice soon). The reason it seems so challenging to some people is they go into it trying to carry over gameplay habits from other games...and it wont work.
This game is more free-form and dynamic than many other games. Take Killing Floor for instance. On that game many times your group has 1-2 favorite hold up spots on the map. You setup a barricade and hunker down and shoot. You cant do that here. The game will spawn enemies everywhere. You like this room to stand in? Well do you like it after we spawn a special mob 5 feet behind you?
On top of making you stay moving and more aware of your environment...the game also encourages you to mix up your styles of dealing out damage on the creatures. The game has 4 main weapon lines: Pistol, Shotgun, Rifle and Knife or CQC (Close Quarters Combat). Each of these can be skilled up as you rack up the kills and gain weapon experience that is shared over all the sets. In addition the maps are packed with special weapons and explosive toys to further bring the hurt to the spawns of hell. addition to the weapons you also have an extensive array of melee combat moves that would make even Steven Seagal jealous. With over a dozen or so different "combos" you can deal out serious damage to the enemy. As an added bonus you can pull off "Execution" moves that will actually heal you as well.
Its only in using a combination of all the above that you can really succeed and the game truly shines. You have to Move, Shoot and Kick your way through the countless horde. If you remove any one of those 3 items...your success and the games fun factor can begin to collapse.
Go watch some videos of a skilled player and it is truly art in action.
In regards to the GS I can tell is they didnt spend enough time on it. Some of the main criticism they had against the game are small things that can be updated in a patch and the devs have already said they are prior to this review. Things like changing the respawn delay and join game mid match delay.
I mean if you read the review..they gave the game a 5.5 because its to hard, has too long a spawn time and they dont like the respawn method on multiplayer? Really? You dont see mention of bugs, bad graphics, broken items etc. Difficulty and a few mechanics that can be patched get a 5.5? Wow.
The only real issue I have with the game is Im waiting for them to add more of a stats system and leaderboards (which they have confirmed is coming).
If your a fan of 3rd person action shooters with great melee that gives you a good challenge....this is your game. The devs are VERY active on the Steam forums. They have plans for plenty of free updates and continuing DLC. The game is also only $20.
Do the math. It equals fun.