Simplistic gameplay certainly isn't a detractor for this little gem of a game.
Cast as one of four...characters is too strong a word, how about walking-weapons-with-chesstastic-one-liners, you fight in arenas that spawn baddies and kill them. Kill enough and you can upgrade your pistol, shotgun, rifle or melee offering to something that spews out death quick and easy. There's not much else to the game other than this and I love it for it.
There are three game-modes on offer here: versus which pits gun-wielding walking weapons against the others who control hell's legions, survival which is what it sounds like and inferno which consists of four rounds with increasing difficulty ultimately culminating in a battle against Abandon in hell. Inferno is easily the best, because, unlike survival, there's a clear goal and a clear end point. Survival also has the problem of, after a half-hour, all baddies are bullet-resistant and prowl the map in wads of death.
The main draw of the game is just how stupid and fun it is. You'll be sending baddies flying from flying kicks, round-house kicking 'em down, stomping them to bits, blowing some back with a well placed shotgun blast, kicking heads off bodies, usw. It's absolute mayhem at all times which is just damn fun. It's not a complex game at all. You kill enemies in glorious fashion and that's about it.
The enemies themselves are varied enough: the basic sluggers, ranged offerings, the brutes who can stun ya, those damned demonic balls that bounce around all over the place and a few others are all yours to dismember. Some are a little more trouble then others with a few requiring to be shot in specific parts of a body, another that spews out toxic...ooze? that needs to be taken care of in close, and others that can require some snap decisions on your part.
The melee is also something worth mentioning. It's tremendously useful. In the inferno mode, it's possible to regain health from every defeated baddy. Low on health? No problem, just wade into that horde of Satan's minions and lay waste. You'll likely come back healthier than before.
These bits of senseless bedlam also reveals something else in the game's favor: The momentum and rhythm you get into when guns are going off, jump-kicks are going this way and that is just perfect. It's ballet, but bloodier, deadlier and way more fun to watch.
As I said, the game is supremely simple and not something you play for hours on end, but more akin to a short little excursion. Play a round and you'll be entertained full-stop. Costing only twenty bucks also is another selling point. Pick it up with some comrades and be ready for a grand old time full of gore and bullets.