Is this game even available for purchase here in the US??
It was an entertaining if but short demo. As with all the other Demos of City-Interactive's games I have played, I concluded that it is your standard shoot-em-up fps, with decent graphics but less than "intelligent" AI. The backdrop is adequate, but the acting is poor and the missions not so challenging. Its nowhere near as entertaining as some of its Vietnam War Predecessors (ie Battlefield Vietnam, Vietcong, Men Of Valor).
I'm not one of those reviewers that will try to totally slam a game to the ground, because I feel that even a good percentage of poorly-planned games have their merits, so my recommendation is that anyone that loves shooting/war games go out and play the demo (since the retail version is impossible to find) and start killing VC wholesale! Its great as a "throw-away" game for lower end computers (perhaps work PCs).
Anthony Vera