Finally, a WWII game that isn't set in Europe.
The game includes some of the most famous battles of the Pacific War, including Wake Island, Iwo Jima, Guadalcannel, and the Phillippines. This game has two major things going for it, it's historical accuracy and it's graphics.
Considering that this game has the History Channel label on it, so the battles, uniforms, and weapons are presented with a lot of attention to historical accuracy. The graphics of the game, are also half way decent, right down to the to creases in the Marine or Japanese uniforms. The game also offers lots of action, including using a single machine gun to repel the Japanese invasion of Wake Island. However, action, accuracy and graphics don't make a good game.
Battle for the Pacific sufferes from two major problems, one is it's AI. The AI in this game makes it far too easy, and at times you start thinking the AI FLUNKED OUT OF PRE-SCHOOL AFTER 30 MINUTES, especally when the enemy bunches up in the a small corner, and you can kill them with a single grenade. The second problem, it's too easy. Yes the dead on arival AI makes the game too easy, at times you have to wonder if you have an invulnerablitiy cheat turned on.
However the only thing saving this game from getting a lower raiting in my book is it's setting, it is nice to see something different. But over all this game will only appeal to history buffs, and die hard fans fo World War II era games.