There was potential here, but...
The game is OK for mindless shooting, but the glitchy hit detection system is detrimental to the gameplay. Hit an enemy in the head, and he'll react like he took a shot to the chest. Shoot him in the shin, and he'll fall right over. If you aim down the sight it doesn't help either, since you can't really aim anyway, thanks to the fact that the weapon's sights get disoriented as soon as you move at all. For example, if the sights are supposed to look like this:
if you move, they'll look like this:
+( )
The most annoying thing in the game.
Maybe it's just me, but it seems to me that this game copies off of Call of Duty 2. The same way of recovering health, the same crosshairs widening as you move, the same yellow star on the compass to mark objectives.
The story is simple- there isn't one, thanks to the fact that you play as a different soldier every mission. If you just want to mindlessly shoot people for a while, this is an OK game, but that's about it.