The History Channel: Civil War tries to be a good game, but fails and falls short on all fronts.
I had very high hopes for this game. Why? Because it's a game that doesn't involve shooting aliens in the face for once. But I soon started to see red with the repetitive game play and the horrible level designs. Part of the reason the game play gets repetitive is because of the level design. It's always the same. You will go down a long narrow path and then 3 or 4 people will pop out of nowhere and shoot at you. Some times you can see them spawn right out of nowhere right in front of you. Every once in awhile you will come to a somewhat of an open area but you still will feel confined. The levels are short and uninspiring. Another problem is the cover. Once I was crouching right behind a wall and I would still be getting shot at and I would get hit right through the wall of concrete. Also sometimes when you reload it doesn’t even show your guy reloading the gun or rifle.
The AI is just broken and they just shut down. They will usually just stand right in front of you waiting to be killed. But then sometimes they don’t even do anything. The AI will just stand and not even shoot at you. I have seen the bots get stuck on a lot of stuff. If you kill them they will sometimes fall right through the map. Your allies are no better. They will also get stuck on stuff and make dumb moves like running into cannon fire. Sometimes your allies will die for now good reason. I have counted this happening ten times. You’ll just be walking and then you see your allies just drop dead. No enemies where around! So you are usually left to defend yourself. Sadly there is no multi player what so ever! I was really hoping there would be some multi player because it would probably mean some intense action. But nope, no multiplayer what so ever. The only thing that comes close to multi player is the leader boards which is meaningless. All I can say about the graphics are is blah. They take no advantage of the Xbox 360. All the graphics just seem too blocky and dull textures hamper the experience. This could have easily been put on the Xbox. The only thing that looks decent is some of the character models and the water. All the rest is dull and uninspiring. The sound is all right. The only music you’ll hear in the game is at the main menu and the credits. The sound of the guns is good…. when you can hear them. You will be able to hear your gun or rifle go off but sometimes you can’t hear other peoples rifles go off even when you’re right next to them. The voice acting is horrible. There are probably only three different people doing voice acting. You will here to same person tons of times for different characters. I found that very annoying. You won’t even here your feet going through water!
Even though this game is only $50.00 that is $10.00 dollars less then a regular Xbox 360 game, just stay clear of this game. The only reason you would want to play this game is if you’re a history buff or if you just want some easy achievement points. No matter what just wait till this game goes to the bargain bin or just avoid it all together.