Simply put: This game SUCKS. You DON'T want it.
Well, the game is like you're walking in a corridor. Little fence blocks you from moving freely on the battlefield, or at least, MOVING on the battlefield. Here's the deal: you grab a gun, go forward, shoot the enemy and... that's it. You just go forward. You don't have to be tactical, you don't have to be careful. Just run and gun.
The fun thing is, enemy can attack you from anywhere(even outside the 'corridor') and they can hit you from anywhere-err...with their bullets. The AI is so dumb, they're actually clever. They can spot you from 200 miles, and yea... that's it. Sometimes they would run towards to you, and when they finally reach you, they just turn around. Funny.
Ah, the guns. Guns are fun. But. This is definitely an arcade shooter, meaning, it's not really realistic. Sometimes even headshot isn't instant kill. But, the developers did make guns realistic: reloading a gun(after every shot) is about 10seconds. That's a long time. You'll be spending more time reloading than shooting. It's pretty fun, though. 'Cause your enemies will be reloading too. Alot.
The game is historyically accurate: however, if we take away the cutscenes, it's just another quake-styled-go-ahead-and-kill game. With a more decent level design, with less mindless shooting, and more carefully calibrated gun-system, this game could've been good. But this... well this... isn't good.