The Hobbit is a good game, but kids will enjoy it the most.
The Hobbit has graphics that are pretty good, but not amazing. The movies and the games of LOTR show Middle- Earth, as a dark and scary place. In The Hobbit, you won't come across Orcs and Uruk- Hai. You'll battle terrifying wolves, man eating plants, trolls, goblins and other creatures you wouldn't normally see in LOTR. This is the prequel, but everything looks tailor- made for kids. Even Gollum looks somewhat friendly.
The music is OK, but isn't going to compel you to listen to the music for hours on end.
The Hobbit doesn't feel like a Lord of The Rings Game, unless the Middle-Earth was a happy, semi-scary(that's not a word) place when Bilbo Baggins, Frodo's dad was 13.
This game is pretty good, but just leaves you felling that The Hobbit was made on a restricted schedule.