A decent port of a great game.
The House Of The Dead III takes play in 2019, AMS has been disbanded, and the world is in a state of despair. Thomas Rogan and a team of commandos attack a corporate tower, which may have led to the collapse of the world. Two weeks later, not a word is heard from the team. Lisa Rogan (Thomas Rogan's daughter) and old partner G decide to attack the tower for themselves in hopes of solving the mystery and rescuing Thomas Rogan.
The game is a port of an arcade shooter. The mouse controls a cross hair showing where the gun will shoot. You shoot by pressing the left click, and reload by pressing the right click. Controls can be changed variously.
Standard arcade shooter style. You move around each area until you reach the next. Shoot any enemies you encounter, and any projectiles they decide to launch or throw at you to prevent damage. Enemies come in many different forms, ranging from the traditional zombie, to some bugs. In some sequences, a player might be attacked, and the other player must save him for an additional life. If you fail this, you will not receive an addtional life. In two player mode, the player being attacked will not lose a life even if they other player fails to rescue them. The goal of each level to to get from the start to the end of the level, usually having to confront a boss character at the end. Multiple paths are included in some levels.
The sound effects usually mask the soft background music, which consists mostly of horror movie style organ music. The sounds effects of the guns are satisfying, especially the reloading of the shotgun and the sounds of the enemies. The background music could have been much better and had a bigger impact on the game.
The House Of The Dead doesn't try to achieve realistic graphics. Instead, it has a cartoon style of art to it. The lighting effects at the beginning of the game at the base of tower are quite impressive. Replayability
A port of an arcade game is what most people always want when they enjoy a particular arcade game. And yet, when the port is in their pocession the enjoyment of the game dissipates with each playthrough. Unlike the other House Of The Dead games, the alternative paths are much more limited. While there are unlockables and multiple endings, this game will mostly likely be shelved after the third or fourth playthrough. Occasionally you will feel the urge to pull it out and blast some undead enemies, but this game will not last you very long.