I'm not 14 so no matter how many times mother F#c£er is said in this game, it doesn't make it funny or good ...
Good points of the game: The graphics are pretty good for the wii, The bosses are well designed, you can buy new weapons and upgrades with the points you earn, it can also be ok on co op.
Now for the bad points: You dont have to concentrate at all, you could be high on cocain and still complete it, there are a mear 7 levels, it's a rail shooter which basically means you cannot control your characters movement, the story is very childish, anyone over the age of 20 shouldn't find it funny, mother F#c£er must of been said 100 times, and yes i do get the irony at the end.
I would say if you like old school arcade games and like childish teenage american humour then you should get this, but if you have a 360 or ps3 and are used to playing quality games, with good storys then i'd say avoid it.