An altogether ignorable game.
Besides the frame-rate stutters (which are really annoying due to the frequency at which they occur), the graphics are just bland bland bland. I am not saying this ignoring the lack of horsepower in the Wii. That pass notwithstanding, there is a way to use a different art direction to make things look good on the Wii. The game's designers did not seem to go for this approach, leaving the game with fuzzy textures, janky animations, and tons of aliasing.
The audio: if I hear the f-bomb dropped one more time in this game, I will lose it. There is funny, and then there is it-was-funny-the-first-thirty-times. This game reeks of the latter.
Overall, my wife and I had fun playing this, but that was a function of the cooperative nature of this game. The game itself is mediocre in every sense of the word.