A funny and ridiculous game.
Gameplay- HoTD Overkill, like any other rail shooter is easy to play. All you do is point, shoot, and reload. Easy as hell, considering that the game moves for you. The game really enforces the grindhouse factor, making the game loads of fun. It also becomes pretty addictive to continually try and beat your high score and keep getting chain kills up to goregasm higher. A few flaws are in this game unfortunately; at (allot) of times in HoTD Overkill, it becomes too dark to see. This becomes really irritating because the darkness will cause you to ruin you chain kills/combos. The graphics are also a little dated, they look like gamecube/PS2 graphics; but definitely not like N64/PS1 graphics like people have been saying in some reviews I've read. The bosses (besides the last two) are no challenge at all, especially if you have a partner playing with you. Last, you are rewarded with a nice extended version of the game after you beat the origins game; although you'll probably wonder why that wasn't the original campaign, and why you had to unlock it. But, it's also more challenging, and more fun. after you unlock the extended version; you probably won't play the original campaign.
Pros: the grindhouse factor, comedy, chain kills, high scores, the assault shotgun (fully upgraded), overall gameplay.
Cons: too dark most of the time, easy boss fight, and outdated graphics.