Essentially the model light gun game for the Wii, but it's plagued by it's easy difficulty and short story mode.
Before I go on, let me first say that I'm not a sensitive gamer that is affected by gore and language. I've played them all, and I was a Marine for goodness sake! Still, this game goes so far as to make it's graphic nature an irritation. Spoiler Warning next sentence! When some dude crawls inside the vagina of his giant mother and snuggles up, you know it's gone too far. Anyway some gamers will probably find that awesome.
HOD: Overkill itself is an excellent lightgun when it comes down to the gameplay. It feels exactly like you're playing in an arcade. It's far and away the best light gun on Wii. The only thing that comes close is the Arcade mode in Medal of Honor: Heroes 2.
While the light gun aspect may be great, the game is too easy. If you die you can leave right where you left off. The only punishment is that you lose points, which you won't care about anyway. This makes the game beatable by anyone who plays it. I for one, am not a fan of that.
The other big downer for this game is the extremely short gameplay. You can beat the game in two sittings. I beat the Story Mode in 4 hours flat. At a new price of $49.99, unless you have the money to blow, this is definitely a rental and nothing more.
However there is some substantial replay value. Once you beat the game you unlock a Director's Cut Mode. Unless you're a huge light gun fan like myself, this won't pose any interest for you. You'll most likely beat the game and then put it back on the shelf forever. There's quite a few minigames as well that are great for a party, or if you're just plain bored.
What saves this game in my opinion, is the multiplayer aspect. if you can get a few friends together, you can play this game for hours over numerous sessions. If you have a bunch of friends who can handle the material, you have a fantastic party game stock full of bristling competition. This is why the game gets the 8.0. The multiplayer is simply put a blast.
In closing there is a lot that HOD: Overkill has got going for it. There's just not enough for it to be a very memorable single player game. If you can get the necessary individuals together, it is an outstanding multiplayer game. Still though if you're not offended easily and want a great light gun, this is the perfect rental for you.