the only thing anyone can say is that it's simply fun.
That's it simply put fun and more fun, the game is really easy though so easy that well my grandma could probably beat it. And another bad thing is it's so short which I guess that it isn't considering a rail shooter because I haven't played a lot of them in my time. Some more great things is the shooting super fun and filled with a lot of gore.
The story is hilarious it gave me some good laughs, it's also rude and dirty the characters are great and you'll love them. You also be pulled in if you're a sucker for high scores and combos, which a lot of people are that puts replay value in trying to beat your self over and over again.
When you die you star off right where you died from, you don't need no continues it just takes points off, which I thought was one of the things that made the game easier. The graphics are ok throughout the game with most of it looking good. And the same goes with the sounds, there's really only two complaints that I have about the game.
1. The difficulty yea I know I've said to many times already, but this a problem for me or anyone else who plays games a lot.
2. There were a few parts in the game where zombies wouldn't even pop up I don't know what the problem was I'd start the level over and they would show up then. It didn't happen much but got a little annoying when it did happen.
Overall House of the Dead: Overkill is a great and simple game were you will have nothing but fun all the way through it. As of right now I'd say rent it or borrowing it from someone that's got it and try it out first, if you rent you'll be able to beat 5 or 6 times before you have to take