What an impossible game!

User Rating: 5.7 | Wizard of the Immortal GEN
"The Immortal" is one impossible game. You know it right from the beginning that this game just doesn't screw around.

The review contains spoilers about the game, but you probably don't care.

The game starts you off in a small room, a door to the north and a table in the middle. A message comes up that says "You'd better move" or something to that effect. You get about two seconds to comply. It's you don't, a giant wurm breaks out of the stone tile floor and swallows you whole. Now is it really necessary that you can die in the first 5 seconds of the game?

The game's levels take place in maze-like dungeons, with enemies, traps and even items that are out to kick your ass. If you manage to escape the first room alive, there is a goblin orc guy waiting outside for you. He instructs you to not come any closer. So you can go to the left, get some fungus item that kills you when you use it, or go to the right and move closer to the goblin. Of course you approach him cause it's pretty much the only thing to do.

The combat system is confusing to say the least. The perspective for the combat is an over the shoulder, third person view. Left and Right on the D-pad make your guy slash the enemy. There must be some other attacks, but it's not really explained so I don't know. When you kill him, you point your staff at him, and his head explodes! Damn! Brains and eyeballs can be seen on the ground around him.

The rest of the levels continue somewhat the same. Walls that shoot arrows, more items to kill you and so on. One of the strangest things about the game is how specific it is. You get some items that HAVE to be used a certain way otherwise you'll die, or not be able to escape the dungeon. It takes away from the skill factor and adds more annoying trial and error. Or you can just go look up a FAQ, which I'd recommend.