Rejected alternate titles included: The Pointless Game, Anyrism, Stupid Square, Death by Spike, Poke out your Eyes...
I'm not a big fan of player punishment. With a title like The Impossible Game, one might expect that you'll be faced with insurmountable odds at each turn, and you'd be right. Not that they're technically insurmountable, or impossible, but rather that you'd be an idiot to care. The game works by your controlling of a red square that moves along a line at a high speed. Your one move is to jump, and jump you'll need to do in order to avoid the hazards on the line. Spikes, pits, etc block your way, but you are thrust across the line regardless, which requires you to jump with quick reflexes to avoid the traps or land on slim platforms over and over, dying often and repeatedly.
There's no hook here, unless you're a macho man who needs to impress his friends by beating The Impossible Game. It's just jumping hazards through memorized timing. Over and over. dying over and over. If you're a sucker, or a glutton for punishment, or the most boring person around, this may amuse you for 30 minutes, before you just walk away. And that's what the rest of you should do - just walk away.