After reviewing Iron Man.. and showing the world the good points...wait there weren't any...... oh well.. I got this new game.. The Incredible Hulk... It's developed by SEGA (like Iron Man), it's based on a guy from the Marvel Comics universe (like Iron Man)... so you can see the enthusiasm I had before playing the game....(I still can't believe I'm reviewing this )
The Graphics
It seems that SEGA didin't learn from the big failure that Iron Man was on the graphical side, or they might think that we're too dumb to notice they've been using the same graphical engine on The Incredible Hulk.... That means that Hulk's texture looks ugly... I mean he's supposed to be that big angry guy with muscles.. but as far as you can see there's just some green guy with black stripes all over his body... you can barely see that they're muscles or the angry facial expression...Now passing on forward the building and objects' textures are so ugly that Mafia's (a gaming masterpiece released back in 2002 ) building's look "Great" compared to those... same goes for the civilians that roam the streets and for your enemies which literary are missing a face...
Now I know that we're in 2008 and we expect fancy motion blurs or depth of field effects from every new game.Well Hulk doesn't have even a pitiful Glow effect, and it doesn't offer any kind of settings to the textures are as dull as would be standing and watching my grandpa brush his teeth...
The Sound
Let's start with the good part (yes.. it has one).. and that is Bruce Banner's voice acting... yes it sounds exactly as it should.. nothing else to say.. oh wait .. but there is lots more to say...
Now.. in the 40-45 minutes I've played this game.. I expected to hear at least once "Hulk Smash! Hulk Crash ! Hulk's Stupid! Betty!".. but Sega surprised me and didn't make my wish come true.... All I heard was Hulk shouting... now .. normally it would be ok.. but when that shout sounds like you've just recorded an old Godzilla movie with 40's technology it really hurts my ears...... The explosions sound like a firecracker would explode.. though sometimes there are big tanks that explode......
The Gameplay ?
Yes.. that is a question mark above and you will see why.....
As defunct as the Iron Man gameplay was.. Hulk's gameplay couldn't stop to amaze me... Now let's start with the start... The main objective of the game is every monster's favourite activity... kill people.... with other people , with objects or with your fists..... now this sounds promising , I know... but when you'll see the way Hulk moves you'll get to hope you won't have too kill too many enemies... I mean Hulk moves quite fast for a monster of his size and sometimes you're too agile to hit the pesky army dude firing at you with his small gun... those are the moments when you'll start hoping for the mission to end fast.... Hulk doesn't have too many combos.. they all are punches which do the same damage...
Whenever you hit an object it miraculously explodes...... I never saw a car exploding when It got hit by a man .. but oh well .. they're using HAVOK so we must believe it was meant to be that way....
There are boss fights .... which resume to pummelling your opponent to death... or hitting him with an object then pummeling him to death.. or blocking his attacks ( :O ) and pummeling him to death..... but sometimes when the boss can't kill you.. there's that pesky soldier in the corner that instantly kills you with his M16.. I mean COME ON! I've seen Hulk eat bullets , get hit by tank projectiles and being ok ... and you come to me and say that a M16 could possibly kill him?!?!?!?!
Because GTA is very popular , the producers thought of ripping it and giving Hulk the possibility to freeroam through the city.. this is quite relaxing if you ignore the ugly graphics.. well at least untlii you get close to a man which says "You are violating my personal space"... I mean yea.. Hulk is just a big green monster that killed 10 civilians before.. and that dude tells me with a calm voice that I'm violating his personal space...
Assasin's Creed was also ripped with this game .. Hulk can miraculously climb buildings (by getting his hand into the building texture without destroying it).. and jump from one building from another being 10 times more graceful than Altair was... the only thing missing was a small stealth element in there and it would have been perfect
VERDICT - 3 (just because I like throwing fire trucks into buildings)
The Story
You are Bruce Banner a guy that .. blah blah blah blah yappity yappity blah blah wakka.... you probably know this already.... everyone does.. well the game puts you in front of an EVIL organization called the Enclave which you must stop..... I never understood how Hulk could be directed by a human but oh well.. I'm just a player .. Sega knows all... nevertheless a better story would be me explaining how nicely I installed Crysis on my cousin's PC..
Overall Impression
So.. if you value your life.. go play Big Rigs.. at least you have fun there by going backwards at 50000 km/h.... or go play football outside with your friends.. and if your brother/kid/relative is bugging you with buying The Incredible Hulk lock yourself in a room and condemn yourself to endless sleep... it's more constructive than wasting time playing this..
FINAL GRADE - 1.8 .. so a MARVELous 2