Way, way, way underrated.

User Rating: 9 | The Incredible Hulk WII
It seems not many people like this game. But I'm one the few who really enjoyed it. So let's get right down to the review.

GRAPHICS: This is what I hate, because when a game gets released across all systems, the Wii ALWAYS gets the 6th-gen PS2 graphics. And then everyone starts to think the Wii sucks.

The graphics aren't bad, they obviously aren't the 360 or PS3 graphics but they're really not bad, really the only time you'd know it had PS2 graphics is during actual gameplay because the cut scene graphics look great.

SOUND: Not much music in this game, but the little music that plays definitely suits a game where Hulk is the main character. What is exclusive to the Wii in this game is when you pick up someone you can hear them screaming in agony through the Wii Remote, its quite hilarious to hear someone yelling "crushing...my...bones" coming from your hand, its like your doing it yourself!

CONTROLS: Most of the control scheme for the game seems to be chosen well, but the camera controls are just terrible, especially while fighting. Also when diagrams, such as telling you to shake the Wii remote, come up on the screen, the controls rarely respond correctly.

Comments: I think I know why everyone is rating this game so lowly, they're comparing it to Ultimate Destruction. You see Ultimate Destruction was a trillion times better (except for the fact that you can only destroy one kind of building) But Ultimate Destruction was developed by Radical Entertainment, a CANADIAN company. The Incredible Hulk (2008) was developed by Edge of Reality, an AMERICAN company. I'll let you fill in the blanks.