First few minutes were great, now just plain frustrating.
The basic controls are pretty easy to pick up but soon the game turns into a button mashing fest as you try and remember all the different Street Fighter style moves you can do in the middle of a firefight. Running and jumping up/off buildings can get very trying. You think the Hulk will jump off a building one way and he will go an entirely different direction with the camera whipping around him throwing off your orientation.
The graphics are similar to Grand Theft Auto, nothing spectacular. You can tell Hulk is Hulk, what are buildings, cars, people, robots, etc., but don't expect anything great. The sound is okay which isn't saying much. The most common noise you hear is the Hulk grunting and I suppose it's pretty hard to screw that up.
When I first played the game I thought it was great, now its just extremely frustrating and disappointing. Its certainly not a horrible game, but I'd be stretching to call it even fair.