It may have not been easy for Kermit the Frog, but the Hulk shows gamers what being green is all about.

User Rating: 9 | The Incredible Hulk: Ultimate Destruction XBOX
It seems the video game market has become saturated with superhero games lately with numerous releases of Spider-Man, Batman, X-Men, and Fantastic Four games. While all these games have their positive aspects, none feel as solid and well-rounded as the surprise superhero video game of the moment, “The Incredible Hulk: Ultimate Destruction”.

Fans of the comic will recognize Bruce Banner as the tortured soul that when angered transforms into everyone’s favorite gamma ray induced green goliath: the Incredible Hulk. Along with the Hulk, “Ultimate Destruction” sports other familiar characters such as Bruce’s good friend Doc Samson and some of Bruce’s not-so-good enemies General Ross, Mercy, and Emil Blonsky (better known to fans as The Abomination.)

Gamers searching for an enthralling romp through beautiful and vast lands with touchy-feely characters in tow need not apply. This game is built solely for the maniacs at heart and revolves around the destruction that is caused from the Hulk’s pure visceral rage.

Once gamers start up “Ultimate Destruction” and run through the quick tutorial, they’ll be whisked away to a huge city that resembles Liberty City, of “Grand Theft Auto” fame, and set free with Hulk’s almost unmatchable power.

This game, like most other superhero games, is a mission based game in which gamers will be doing a lot recycled missions over and over. Be prepared to destroy stuff, retrieve certain quests items, escort Doc Samson around, destroy more stuff, protect buildings, fight countless Hulkbuster mechs, and last but certainly most important: destroy even more stuff.

Much like a dysfunctional King Midas, everything the Hulk touches turns to rubble. Jump on a car and it will crumple under the Hulk’s bulk, clamp onto the side of a building and climb to the roof, leave massive craters in the ground as the Hulk jumps around like a flea, or even snatch trees and light poles right out of the ground and chunk them like javelins into automobiles and enemies. Almost anything gamers can think to cause physical harm to is totally diminishable in this game.

As gamers progress and smash up the city, they earn points known as “smash points”. These in turn can be spent in the ‘buy menu’ for more moves and longer combos for the Hulk to use in gameplay. So not only is everything destructible, but with over 150 different moves to buy and use, the different ways to wreak havoc is near limitless.

With over 30 missions and 40 side challenges in “Ultimate Destruction”, gamers will long be satisfied with the open-endedness and length of this game. When gamers get a little worn on the destruction, they can scavenge the levels for comic book pages, secret codes, helpful hints, and other surprises that can all be viewable in the ‘extras menu’.

The bottom-line is gamers and superhero fans alike should run out and get their hands on this game. Not only is “The Incredible Hulk: Ultimate Destruction” one solid piece of gaming fun, it’s one of the best superhero games to date.