The first thing I said when I loaded up this game was, "Holy crap, this is awesome!"

User Rating: 9.5 | The Incredible Hulk: Ultimate Destruction XBOX
Hulk: Ultimate Destruction for the Xbox is one of my favorite games to play. This game is insane. You can destroy virtually everything in MULTIPLE ways! Pick up an ambulance and smash it into the ground a few times then throw it into a building. Punch a pedestrian around the streets for a while. Run up the side of buildings and jump over them! The possibilities are endless!

This game is sort of like GTA on Steroids. You can't jack cars, but holy cow can you wreak havoc upon the city and every where else. It's just too much fun and I can't stop playing it.

This is probably the best comic book based video game I have ever played. X-Men Legends is good, no doubt, but it's just not the same as the destruction in Hulk.

If only game developers could always make games this good!

I don't even try and complete the objectives in a timely fashion. I spend all my time running around destroying stuff lol (just like I did in GTA).

This game is HIGHLY recommended if you have the slightest interest in Hulk or a game that's just plain fun to sit down and engage in some mindless action.