Possibly THE most underrated games of the Playstation era!
In The Italian Job you basically play a "Driver" style game of driving around town in a car doing challenges, performing stunts and disobeying traffic laws, an odd concept for Rockstar, eh? There is a free roam and mission mode, you can also try out other challenges...just like Driver. The story mode is where you'll find the meat and potatoes of the game, your Charlie Croker a conman looking for one last heist. You'll go through the challenges to setup for the heist and once you're ready you will perform it. Pretty standard fair.
But there's something different about this game that I haven't quite understood, it's so much like Driver set to a brilliant movie from the late 60's yet it has it's own charm. There are tons of area to roam around in both London and Turin, Italy. You can unlock new vehicles to cruise around town in and there is tons of fun to have in this game. I would have to say The Italian Joe is possibly THE most underrated games of the Playstation era!