Too hard and too short.

User Rating: 7.5 | The Italian Job (Platinum) PS
Graphics: 2/10

I know this is only a PS game, but its a late one and other game makers were able to squeeze out every bit of potential from the console, and for a game made in 2001 it seems like the developers didn't really bother. There are a lot of random polygons dotted about, and a lot of graphical glitches.

Gameplay: 6/10

Because it is based completely on the film, it is good fun playing the game as if you are Charlie Croker. It feels like they didnt miss that much of the film out. Any bits you don't play there is the occasional cutscene to watch instead. However it is a bit too hard. For some reason, you just have to drive past the police and they will come after you, and they seem to have superfast cars that can catch up even with the Aston Martin. They ram you very hard into the nearest wall and box you in, and its very hard to get away from them, as you can't crash into anything in order to stand a chance. That sounds fine, apart from the controls being far too stiff and whenever you crash into the smallest thing you bounce off it into the other direction. Because of the stiff controls, crashing happens far too often.

Sound: 8/10

I don't think they are the real voices out the film, but they sound very much like the real people, although they don't talk much at all. The car noises sound different and while not great, crashing noises aren't too bad either, although sometimes you can ram into things and it is silence. There is also the self preservation society song playing faintly in the background, which is nice.

Overall: 7.5/10

Its too hard in places, and the graphics and controls are horrible, but it really feels like you are in the film and its a good fun game. I would moan about it being longer, but when its based on a film from the 60's you cant really lengthen it.