Great 3D installment for 2D King of Fighters. But whoever named it King of Fighters 2006 is a complete idiot. It's MI2!

User Rating: 8.5 | King of Fighters: Maximum Impact 2 PS2
Gameplay: B+
In my opinion, King of Fighters has so far done the best job in turning a 2D game into a 3D game. It moves very similarly to the 2D version; in the 3D aspect, you don't need to hold a button like X or L1 to guard, just hold back on your directional pad. To side step you need to use LP + LK to evade fireballs and what not. The best part of the 3D installment that I enjoy is the use of Sabaki (parry), when your opponent attacks you press the button for Sabaki and their attack is completely parried leaving them open for a Counter-Attack. This is the interesting thing about it. When Sabaki is used, your opponent can use a Counter-Attack that uses one Power Bar or use a Counter-Sabaki that will parry their Counter Attack. You can't parry projectiles, only physical contact attacks. But in addition, you can parry super/special moves and desperation moves. The game itself if fun, however there are some physic issues.

Storyline: B+
The story for each team are alright, 'nough said.

Graphics: A
This 3D version of King of Fighters has done a really good job with the transitioning. The faces that they make are there as well as a good lip flapping (obviously the Japanese voices are, in my opinion: ten times better). The new costumes are amazingly fitting.

Music: A
King of Fighters has always had a great arrangement of music. The songs are wonderful and sets the mood.

Features: A+
After defeating Quest Mode and Missions, you can unlock new stages. The new costumes are great as well as all the spin off costumes. For a transition from 2D to 3D, King of Fighters Maximum Impact 2 (2006 in US) has definitely improved from it's precedent King of Fighters Maximum Impact. Regulation A and (Hopefully the futuristic Regulation A 2) are even better as the Japanese has added even more interesting features. Features such as the physics of the game, additional voices, and the heated tension between characters in their opening sequence. In this version, hearing your character fight in their original Japanese voices are great. Although it'd be a great Idea if the Japanese actually hired real English speaking people for characters like Terry and Mary (Regulation A).

Overall: B
Although it was called 2006 here in the US, Maximum Impact is a game to get. The stylish moves are also great as you can link killer combos together in unique ways. Once you start play it, you'll get my point.

My Opinion:
The game is fun, trust me. If you though this game was good; hope and anticipate the arrival of King of Fighters: Regulation A and A2 because Reg. A is a whole lot better.