Complex fighter game amazing subtleties & combos better than StreetFighter's 2 character uppercut-fireball game play

User Rating: 10 | The King of Fighters '95 NEO
I have read many reviews about this game most not flattering but I'm here to defend one of the best fighting, classic games of my time. Kof95 is brilliant and the combos are not for button mashers, game play can be quick and decisive like decapitation or slow and calculating like catching flies with chopsticks. lol. Unlike Street fighter where only Ryu and Ken are effective characters almost all of the characters are effectively playable and game play is rich and robust you cant rely on fireblalls and uppercuts here. If you don't want to believe me then take a gander at you-tube, type in 'Kof95 combos' and enjoy. I have been playing this game for about 15 years, yes 15, in that time you can grow a small human being. Its not cluttered like more recent King of Fighters games, which i still enjoy.The sprites are large and full figured with stable movements and those deadly finishing moves. The best character though not my favorite is Kyo who seems slightly more effective than the rest but my list of favorites in order of preference are; Heidern and a four way tie with Ryo, Ralf, Terry and Clark. Like the first street fighters this game has a certain basicness(not a word) and a balance with added complexity that i enjoy and Omega Rugal is the toughest fighting game Boss i have ever crossed paths with, on several occasions i have threatened to stop playing this game because the boss was too hard but i endured and the first time i defeated Omega Rugal was like my first car, pure bliss and a sense of achievement, lol. Too many time you play a game then just breeze through the final Boss Stage which can be very disappointing. I challenge all the so called fighting game experts to win this game on level 8. Even though i have enjoyed all the latest KOF offerings from SNK, with various degrees of enjoyment this one reigns supreme for me. It is hard to catch on but once you try it you will be hooked and considering its name has the digits '95 i say they did a pretty good job. Pending KofXII, this is the best fighting 2D fighting game from a Classical standpoint. This is a very good collectible to all those 2D fighting game lovers and Nostalgians(also not a word).