Should be renamed The King of Fighters Loading Saga
I feel the need to warn all KOF fans of staying away from this turd.
This game should be really be called KOF Ultra Rare Loading Edition, key word being Rare and Loading.
After what seems like storming every single game distributor in my city, and wasting gallons of gas driving around in my V6 Jeep tracking this sucker down. I was finally able to find one lonely copy of this game for sale.
Now the fun begins, or so I thought.
You'd think for around 25 bucks, getting 5 KOF games on PSP would be a bargain, well think again. This game is for the lack of a better word broken.
I start up the game, and right before it hits the Main Menu it starts to LOAD, literally like 1-2 minutes later the game reaches it's first of many menus. So now that I've made to the main menu after having a pop tart and some soup, I choose a version of KOF amongst the 5 games available to play. Guess what more loading, yes so it's off to taking a shower, after another long load screen I finally reach the SNK NEO GEO arcade intro. So I'm ready to rock, now that I'm clean and full from pop tarts. Guess what another long load screen, yes you see to go from the NEO GEO intro to the actual in game arcade character select screen, I have to endure yet another load screen. So I take a second shower cause that's what I do when I'm bored. Now finally I reach the character select menu, great cause now I know I can least select my characters before reaching another load screen RIGHT, WRONG. Because somebody at SNK decided that not only did we need load screens in between menus, but we also need them during the menus, YES that's right the game acutally freezes to load up characters as you scroll through the character select screen. So after choosing my dream team abite a little freezing and loading, I finally get to see the actual LOADING screen for the actual fight. Okrrrayy I'm ready, after a very very long load before the fight screen, I finally get to the meat of KOF, the actual fighting not loading or so I thought. Because guess what the game actually LOADS in the middle of the fights, YES I know it sounds so rediculous that you think you've been teleported back to the Sega CD era. In the middle of fights the game will randomly freeze to load up voice samples and sound FX clips, some time the loading will not catch up with your in game action and sound FX will either be non existent or just delayed. Try doing a combo only to hear the hits land 2 seconds later and you'll get my point. So this is KOF Orochi in a nut shell. If you're gonna play this you must bring a second PSP with a real game to keep you busy in between the countless load screens and invisible loads, this game will load in between everything, every match, every pause in mid rounds, every menu and every second it isn't loading it's preparing to load something else.
The King of Fighters Loading Saga for PSP. Buy it only as a collector's item or a present for someone you don't li....loading...ike.
I gave this game 3.5 because even when broken it's still a legit mobile version of the best of KOF.
So there you have it my first ever game review and probably my last. Cause I don't think I'll ever find another game that can get me this upset to warrant another review.
P.S If anyone gives this game a good review you know they are playing the ilegal copy of this on their memory card. The legit copy which few people actually own is broken.