The last time I reviewed a KOF game, I said that it was a pedigree dog that has been neutered. The latest installment has renewed my faith. Seems like the guys at SNK decided that, an almost bare bones game, was not the new direction the franchise needs to travel. Thank god for men of reason… However they still need to tighten up in some areas.
Overall however, this is a big improvement over that last KOF by a mile. I Know it must be tough to survive in a world of fighting games when, the competition is Mortal Kombat, Super Street fight 4, Marvel VS Capcom and, DOA. Especially, when your formula, is old school.
Longtime fans of the series; love the tried and true 2D, hand drawn, graphics of yesterday. I love the new 60 or more, frames per second animation, with a new fresh look. However, it takes more than a new spit shine to sale me. KOF 13 doesn't bring back the feel of the 95 to 98 glory days but, it comes close to the nostalgia.
I always liked the farfetched, slightly cheesy story of KOF and they brought that back. However, the amount of reading you got to do is tiresome. Back in the mid to late 90's that was the standard but, In this day and age? C'mon! I guess that hiring some voice actors (even if it was all in Japanese) wasn't in the budget. considering what the work they put in on the technical side, I can let that slide. Same can be said for the still images they use instead of full anime cut scenes. But KOF fans expect that. All those things are minor gripes that are worth forgiving.
As for game play, they hit the mark with the story mode telling the story of various teams, Training mode, Mission mode, one on one battles, Team elimination, Time trial mode and the tutorial session that is on par with other fighting games. But, most fans of fighting game fans are familiar to these options. I highly suggest going through the tutorial mode first. You are going to need to learn some of the new tricks KOF 13 has in store. The short hops, the max cancels special moves, finishers, side steps and evasive rolls. However, if you are a veteran KOF player you might already know how to do them.
More of the characters practical moves, are up to you to learn at your discretion. The online mode lacks the ability to watch live matches and lobbies but, if you meet a curtain score criteria, you can upload it. However, getting into a stable online match takes some time and patience. But the big selling point to KOF is the fighting.
With that, let me make one thing crystal clear: USE YOUR COMBOS OR DIE! If you don't, you will not stand a chance in the higher difficulty levels. In the tradition of SNK fighting games, The CPU will not hold back or give you ANY quarter… The CPU is Jeffery Dahmer or Hannibal Lector and, you look like lunch to them... It's even worse when you face off against the various players online! Please beware of those players from Japan. Those guys are KOF monsters!
Wait for and opening and catch the other player with a string of combos, and be prepared to fallow up with another string. If one string gets countered, fall back and, try another one. Learn to use that power meter and the drive meter. It will help you out when it is needed to pull of enhanced versions of special moves or desperation like moves. That meter is common is the KOF scene. The Drive meter lets you cancel one move into another one. If you have enough meters to work with, you will be amazed at how much damage you can dish out. Those Max Cancel moves are a nice touch of style and flair. Your combo system and be as complex or as simple as you like. It's more important on when and how to strike because every player is different with curtain characters.
This is a more complicated system than it looks. Simple button mashing won't save your ass. This game is about using the right combos and, having the right timing. That is something you won't learn overnight. It's a long, uphill rad ahead for newbies and players that have been out the loop for a while before you reach KOF proficiency. But that shouldn't scare you into giving this game a try. Trust me it's a hell of a lot better than before!