An awsome game with a lot of re-play value, "The last express" is indeed one of the best adventure games ever.
the environment is maybe a bit lacking, but is full with different characters, story-lines and mystery. Almost every character contributes to the plot, which gets more and more complicated as the game goes on, making you feel lost and helpless at times, as you try piecing clues together and figure out a murder of a friend (among many other weird developments).
The voice acting is surprisingly good and every character sounds (and looks) very life-like, down to the random "excuse me" while passing you by.
The background music only appears when something dramatic or plot-changing happens, and the sound effects does a pretty good job at alerting you, like a knife being drawn behind you, or a clock ticking on a hidden compartment.
the most remarkable feature of "The last express" is the game's re-play value. there are a lot of things to do, see and hear on the train, and an average player will probably need three "trips" to uncover all the clues, or maybe even to get to the ending of the story-arch. Plus, the game is really, really fun to play (and to re-play).
Go get the game!