- Environments
- Graphics
- Animations
- Brutal Violence
- Sound Mastering
- Human AI
- Terrible narrative
- The game tries to force you into thinking a certain way rather than allowing you to decide for yourself
- Throws everything that was built up in the first game in the trash
- Forces you to do things that you would never choose to do, things that are completely unnatural for the storyline
- Disappointing mechanics
- Don't care about the characters
- all the characters seem shallow and boring
- Obvious social/political agenda
- Story * 1/10
- Gameplay ***** 5/10
- Atmosphere ******* 7/10
- Overall *** 3/10
- Story (characters, narrative, depth, pace, role playing)
- Gameplay (mechanics, fun factor, customization, level design)
- Atmosphere (graphics, environment, mood)