Every aspect of The Last Of Us makes you immerse in this forsaken-by-god world where good guys can become monsters just to survive another day. The touching story and characters help making this game feel like a playable movie where you experience the growth of each character and the change it its personality due to the circumstances they overcome. In addition, the places where all the action takes place are beautiful and makes it worth to spend time exploring and admiring the scenery. All those big cities consumed by big trees, high grasses and wildlife leaves quite an impression.
In terms of gameplay, Naughty Dog has managed to create a somewhat uncharted experience but far more real in terms of the availability of supplies and weapons. The crafting option fits perfectly into this universe where even scotch tape is very useful and appreciated. The freedom of approaching every enemy either with a handfull of bricks, bullets, or even just passing by is very fun.
More than a game, The Last Of Us is an expererience that no gamer should lose, even more if enjoys well developed stories.
Several things were running through my head as I was playing the game: 1. Man, I hope this game never ends - and it doesn't end for around 15-16 hours; 2. How many GOTY awards this game is going to get; 3. The a... Read Full Review
Naughty Dog, Inc. through The Last of Us created a world where every punch hurts like hell, every bullet counts and most amazingly, every moment is a blessing because unlike most games, it shows the joys ... Read Full Review