The Single player is solid. It has a good story, decent game play. However, for trophy hunters, the amount of collectibles is a bit painful. Pendants, comics, optional conversation, joke conversations. Then gears for gun upgrades, plants for skill upgrades. I'm not big on collectibles. However, the story makes it a good game.
However, the multiplayer is horrible. If it wasn't for trophies, and trying to hunt the platinum, this mode in not even worth looking at. It doesn't belong in this type of game, at all. It was broken and horrible.
This multiplayer mode is the main reason it was dropped down a few points. Next time, stick to pure single player story for this type of game. Not every game needs multiplayer.
Or, if they did multiplayer and did a horde mode with their "zombie" enemies. Instead of the broken PVP system they have.