Technical issues mar a good story

User Rating: 6.5 | The Last Remnant X360
My main issue with the game is long load times between basically everything. Zones in towns, in and out of menus, in and out of rooms, cutscenes, etc. Like long enough to read the entire paragraph "tip" on the loading screen. Also, there is some clipping and frame rates when you are in a battle, and as there is a timed button press critical hit system, that basically tosses the fun of that out the door. Seriously, Lost Odyssey used the Unreal Engine as well and had stupid long battle load times as well.

The other problem is with giving commands. Commands are not specific in terms of person X do action Y. Instead it is group A perform general instruction B (attack with magics, attack with combos, etc) and their specific action is up to them. Where this becomes a HUGE pain and issue is when you are fighting a boss, and can't queue up healing spells when you need to as the option isn't even available at times, and watch as your entire unit gets one or two shotted. Also there is a strong bit of luck in fights in terms of what abilities you have pop up and what ones the boss uses on you when. It takes the turn based strategy out of it. Also some fights are a series of bosses right in a row, and can take a really long time, and there is no way to flee fights or know if the monster you are running up to is above your level or a rare monster. Better hope you save before you make that fatal mistake!

The last problem is that you can only get equipment for the main character, and about an hour in you are given the rest of your main party, and only have a finite number of slots in battle, so doing side quests to unlock other characters or formations or items becomes rather negligable.

The story though is really good, so if you can get past the gameplay issues, or don't mind LONG load times, then its worth picking up.